This week, Brian share an app for discovering new things, a website that will teach you how to be a DJ for free, a hilarious AI quote machine, one of his current favorite Tik Tok comedians, and a way to get you out of your geographic music bubble. Karen shares how to time block your calendar, an inspiring human, some of her favorite essential oil mixes, phrases to avoid at work, and Earth-abundant metals! Listen on your favorite podcast app, and if you are digging the show, please tell a friend. Thank you!
This episode’s cool sheets with links:
App: Mix
Lifehack: Calendar time blocking
Website: YouDJ
Human: Jeffrey Marsh
Website: Inspirobot
Home: doTerra essential oils
Tik Tok Comedian: Stage Door Johnny
Article: 8 phrases that make you sound weak at work.
Article: This project is about your geographic music bubble.
Science: Earth-abundant metals